Install OwlH Master

Download and prepare OwlH Installer

OS version URL
CentOS 7 wget
Ubuntu wget
Raspbian wget

Now let’s install it.

# mkdir /tmp/owlhinstaller
# tar -C /tmp/owlhinstaller -xvf owlhinstaller.tar.gz

We are almost done. In order to allow OwlH installer to do its work, we need to tell it what is/are out target/s for this box. A target is an OwlH component that must be installed or updated. All this info is provided in the config.json file included in the owlhinstaller folder


Right now, our target is “owlhui” and “owlhmaster”, our action is “install”.

"action": "install",      <===
"repourl":"",    <=== Be sure to set right repo
"target": [
    "owlhmaster",         <===
    "owlhui"              <===


you can change your installation paths as needed. Changing default paths may need further paths change for some configurations like service init files. If you are not familiar with it, keep defaults until it is really needed or ask for help.

Verify your libpcap library is installed.

    # yum -y install libpcap
    # apt-cache -y install libpcap0.8

run OwlH Installer to install OwlH UI and OwlH Master

# cd /tmp/owlhinstaller
# ./owlhinstaller

Configure your Master and UI

if CentOs:
    # wget
    # bash
if Debian/Ubuntu:
    # wget
    # bash
both OS:
    # cp /usr/local/owlh/src/owlhmaster/conf/service/owlhmaster.service /etc/systemd/system
    # systemctl daemon-reload
    # systemctl start owlhmaster.service

Check if your OwlH Master is running

check owlhmaster logs
# tail -f /var/log/owlh/owlhmaster-api.log

check owlhmaster process is running
# systemctl status owlhmaster.service
# ps -ef | grep owlhmaster

check if owlhmaster service port is listening
# netstat -nputa | grep 50001

Modify your OwlH Installer configuration to keep your system uptodate


Right now, our target is “owlhmaster”, our action is “update”.

modify your config.json file to set action as “update”.

"action": "update",      <===
"repourl":"",  <=== Repo url may vary
"target": [
    "owlhmaster"            <===

You can add owlhinstaller to your crontab for an automatic update of your platform. following lines will move OwlH installer and create cron job. Please change as needed.


While this is recommended, it is not mandatory. you can run your OwlH Installer manually as per your needs

# mkdir /usr/local/owlh/src/owlhinstaller
# cp /tmp/owlhinstaller/* /usr/local/owlh/src/owlhinstaller/
# (crontab -l ; echo "0 0 * * * /usr/local/owlh/src/owlhinstaller/owlhinstaller ") | crontab -